My Malta - My Favourite Rock


The Maltese Archipelago – A stone gem in the heart of the Mediterranean Sea. Lying in between Sicily to our North and North Coast of Africa to our South. Our Geographic location has also always been the link between the two Continents, together with-it being a crossroad and a hub for travellers travelling between the West Countries and the Eastern Countries of the Mediterranean Sea.

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I organise custom tours based on the unique requirements of our customers. Together we can discuss, plan and create your tour based on your wishes and preferences.

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About me

My story started a few years back, when I felt that I could show Malta better and in a different way.

This could only be done by leaving my desk and show the island myself...

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Contact us: +356 79286225
+356 79808810

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The Islands are small in size but incredibly rich in History, Culture and more. With over 7000 years of history, the Maltese Islands host the eldest (Ancient) Free standing temples, unique Pre Historical Sites, a variety of paintings by famous artists, Heritage Sites protected by UNESCO, Fortified Cities with buildings enriched with various architecture from Medieval to Baroque including British influence that mark the story of an island. All of this can be conveniently found on the islands with short travelling from one location to another.

Over centuries the islands were governed by various rulers, kingdoms and empires; which all left their mark. However, locals have managed to adapt, grow and develop, not only to achieve Independence and a Republic State, but today also an EU member state.

The above is only a snippet of the information shared. I invite you to discover our islands with a detailed guided tour.

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